„Ve světě strojů a pásové výroby jsme si našli cestu jak zpomalit a vytvořit každý výrobek ručně. Jeden po druhém“

You will know it, two single and stray shoes ... It was just trips around Slovakia and later around other parts of the world that significantly affected our lives. During the months we spent on bicycles, we walked through beautiful but impoverished places. Despite our efforts not to visit tourist "hotspots", we, without exception, met almost everywhere with the remains of food packaging, cosmetics, pet bottles - in the best case. Those nice places have grown to our hearts anyway and we would like to come back and not see them even more devastated.
The Waxopack was created by combining love of nature and handicraft. In the winter of 2017, we eagerly began to produce the first pieces. When we felt that we were approaching the final Waxopack, it was time to spread this gadget among friends and family. Honestly, we were very pleased with the interest and especially the support
Thanks to the great response, the project has moved forward and we are working on improving it every day. Today, in addition to us, other pairs of dexterous hands are already working in Waxopack. Waxopack is part of our family and we believe that with its drop in the sea it will contribute to a more beautiful world.
We are very pleased with the interest in bees, but we are especially pleased with how many of us in Slovakia are interested in protecting the environment. We are open to cooperation and we will be very pleased if this story moves your thoughts and dreams forward.
A bonus from us for you: a free annual service of the Waxopack, i.e. their rewaxing and trimming to serve as long as possible.
There were enough words. To find out more, check out our social networks.